

We believe that God’s love is active and attentive, and that we naturally respond to this by becoming active and attentive ourselves. Worship— the community’s response of gratitude to God— is one of the ways we practice this, one of the ways we love God back. Worship is not an attempt to placate God, or to secure some sort of advantage to ourselves. Worship is the free response of love and joy to the One Who loves us best.

Our primary mode of worship is the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. “Eucharist” is an ancient word which means “Thanksgiving,” so you see what we mean when we say that our essential orientation to God is one of gratitude. We are grateful because God has accomplished something through Jesus Christ which is universal, which touches all people with grace and resurrection.

If this appeals and calls to you, please join us— we will hold a place for you on Sunday, and will welcome you in!